Mop Carts

Mini Mop

Mini Mop

Features: Mop any pattern up to 48in; use for strip mopping through flood coating; inner metal debris screen; adjustable opening every inch; economic and versatile.

Specifications: 30 gallon capacity, 2 - 480 x 8 wheel assembly, 48in, Ship weight 120 lb or less

Part Number: MM01

40in universal mini mopper

Part Number: MM02

48in universal mini mopper

Mini Mop

20 Gal Mopmaster with Fenders

Standard steel rims with ball-bearings and rubber tires. Leak proof and long lasting construction. Wide "Footprint" prevents tip-over. Lightweight design - only 38lbs (20 gal). Ergonomic handle and mop handle retainer. This model has the optional fenders with rubber wheels.

Part Number: 502002